
The Story of Jedi Master Jay Lyon PT 12

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On their Journey to find Darth Phantom and destroy him, Echore set the ship on auto-pilot. What Jay heard was true, Darth Phantom had survived and is out on a hunt to find Jay and kill him. Darth Phantom lose parts of his face, both arms - his right was gone at the wrist and his left at the elbow and both of his legs. He had taken on an apprentice, A Dathomirian Zabrak named Darth Dredra.Terror by Legodecalsmaker961
While the ship cruise slowly, Echore went in the back to see Jay. Jay was checking out his new cybernetic arm. Jay sensed Echore coming in. he looked up and saw her sitting down.
Echore: How are you doing, Jay?
Jay: I'm hanging in there.
Echore: We should come across his ship any minute now.
Jay: Good; the sooner we find that monster, the better.
There was total silence in the back; only the sound of the ship was heard. They haven't said a word until Echore broke the silence.
Echore: Hey, I have to ask, why did you become a Jedi, Jay?
Jay: Because, I want to.
Echore: I sensed darkness inside you and yet, you didn't fall to The Dark Side, why?
Jay: Master Windu's training; After I lost my arm on Dantooine, Master Windu took me under his wing and trained. He created a version of Form VII; dubbed Vaapad. This allow me to channel The Dark Side energy I'm fighting. I have learned new Force Abilities and improve my fighting forms.
Echore: I see. So, what did your master tell you after you faced Katcay?
Jay went silent, He remember what Master Windu said about being on a Path to Hate which could lead to aggression and aggression would lead to The Dark Side. He promised Master Windu to NEVER let a fight like that happen again. Echore could see the look on Jay's face.
Echore: Okay, sorry I asked that.
Jay: No, it's fine. But, maybe we should get to know each other.... Tell me, where are you from?
Echore went silent.....She took a huge breath and began a fresh conversation with Jay.
Echore: Naboo.
Jay: Naboo, huh. I've been there before the war. Do you miss it? Your home?
Echore went silent once more. He know Jay was right his home in Naboo. All she could only do is nod. Jay could see that she was sadden by Jay's question. So to make her fell like he was home, Jay told her a story about him and his family.
Jay: You know Mollbry and my father? They were from Naboo; My father was the son of veteran of the last war. and Mollbry was a The Daughter of a royal family who work with Queen Amidala, before she became a Sentor. My father met my mother, along with my aunt, on a mission to Malastare. My father told me the first time he met my mother..... she was soo beautiful....with long blonde hair. My parents secretly got married and my aunt promise to keep this secret from the council. My father told me "If you truly care for someone, you must be ready and willing to anything left throws at you."
Echore: Well, good for you father.
Jay: What?
Echore: My....Father was a member of The Palace Guard.
Jay: I guess...we have much in common. After my parents were taken by Darth Phantom, Jar's Parents, who were friends to my family, took my sister and I to The Jedi Temple. Hoping.....Hoping to keep what my uncle told me alive. What about you, Echore; What's your story?
Echore: I'm a Sith, Jay. And that's just what I am. You should know what I'm fighting for.
Jay: I know the adjective of the Sith, my friend. But, tell me this; what is the beneath The Garments of The Sith? Who is the real Echore Medina?
Echore, once again, went silent. No one asked him that before. Plucking up courage, he answered Jay's question.
Echore: You know....It's funny....I asked the question to myself once. Sad part is....I don't know; and it's scares me.
Echore took one deep breath and told Jay her story.
Echore: So, I was in a family of four. I had a brother who was like a friend to me. I loved my family, and my brother most of all; He had a great passion for life. When The Trade Federation came to Naboo, things changed. My brother was taken away and, for what I have heard, he died on a Droid Control Ship. But, I guess....I guess I could lived my life the way he did. But, after his "death", I don't think I will.
Jay: Such is The Nature of War, Echore. We fight for what we hope is right; and in the end, we lose all that we loved, all that we gained.
Echore: I never wanted to be a Sith. All I want to do is live an ordinary life. Fall in love and start a family.
Jay: I hope you do, Echore; I aim to do that as well....some day.
Echore: Well, say if you wish to die in battle....
Jay: Let them help and take care of me and you take care of my family....There were many times were I could have given up. But, I didn't gave up. All of us have been given more time. We are nothing more than most precious resource. When someone gives you and us more time, Who am I to say "No" to that.

Echore could tell Jay is right.  She didn't say anything but, she gave a little nod to him. Jay gave a little smile and nodded back to Echore. Then, she got up and walk towards the cockpit. She stared long hard out at the window. Jay's words buzzed around her mind like bees to honey. She thought of Darth Gor and the family she would have and she thought about her brother, if he is still alive. Jay could sense Echore's emotions, he felt sorry for her and wished to help her. Jay got up and walk towards Echore, placing her hand on her shoulder as a sign of comfort. Echore looked in shocked; before she could say anything, Both she and Jay felt the ship rock, as if asteroid hit the ship. Echore took to the control but, the control were being overridden.
Echore: Everything is overridden; someone has got us.
Jay: Separatists? 
Echore: I don't know.
Little did they know that they are caught in a tractor beam by The Republic Fleet, commanded by Jedi Master Camjay Dotsbrin. Jay's and Echore's ship was brought into the Hanger Bay of The Republic Cruiser, Venator Class. The Clones readied their blaster, weapons set to stun. Jay and Echore knew they can't fight them, so they opened the doors and up their arms up in surrender. The Clones took them prisoner and took them up to The Bridge. Jay and Echore got on their knees when they reached Master Dotsbrin. Master Dotsbrin asked The Clones to remove Jay's and Echore's helmet. They did; they revealed The faces of Jay Lyon and Echore Medina. Master Dotsbrin stood there in shock.
Clone Trooper: They were armed with these.
One of The Clones presented Master Dotsbrin with their lightsabers. Master Dotsbrin took the lightsabers from Jay and Echore. She stared; first at the sabers and then at Jay and Echore.
Master Dotsbrin: Clear The Bridge. I wish to speak to them alone.
The Clones obeyed and left them alone. Jay and Echore became confused, they looked at each other and then looked at Master Dotsbrin.
Master Dotsbrin: I assumed you two are going after this Sith Lord and his apprentice.
Jay: Yeah, Echore and I are going after Darth Phantom and Darth Dredra; but, how did you know?
Echore: Did Master Windu sent you to capture us?
Master Dotsbrin: No....I have read the report. I'm going to help you get to him.
Echore: But, will The Jedi Council find out about this; helping a Sith and Jedi, who disobeyed his master's order?
Before Master Dotsbrin could answer, A Clone Officer alerts Master Dotsbrin that a Separatist ship is coming out of light-speed. She told Jay and Echore to go to The Cargo Hold and stay hidden. Dotsbrin told them that she'll will buy them time. Jay understood this; he grabbed Echore's hand and rushed out of The Bridge and towards The Cargo Hold. They soon made it to The Cargo Hold and hid behind some crates. They could hear explosions around them. The Republic Cruiser rocked violently with every explosion. Then, the alarms sounded. Echore felt a cold presence on the ship.
Echore: It's them. Phantom and Dredra; they on board. They are going to find us in here.
Jay: Then, we need to get out of here. Find a vent.
They soon find a vent and managed to open it. the crawling inside it and closed the lid, just in time. They crawl and climbed up the vent to get to the bridge. They heard the sound of someone screaming in pain. They quickly made their way up and saw what had just happened. Darth Phantom had defeated Master Dotsbrin and took her prisoner.
Darth Phantom: the ship. Find any survivors and bring them to The Bridge.
Darth Dredra: Yes, master.
Darth Dredra left to find some Clones that are still alive. Echore tried to see but, Jay hold her back. Minutes passed, All of The Clones, who have survived, were brought up and presented to Darth Phantom. Battle Droids surround The Prisoners.
Master Dotsbrin: What are planning to do with us; what would killing us get to Master Lyon?
Darth Phantom: His death will finally bring me peace. After what he did to me, I will make him serve for leaving my deformed and leaving my for dead in the wreckage. My apprentice, told me you picked up two people dressed in Mandalorian Armor; what did you do with them?
Master Dotsbrin: I let them go.....they were just simple Cosplayers.
Darth Phantom: Oh...really; You tell me where they are or there will be consequences.
Darth Phantom extended his hand too close to Master Dotsbrin's face. Master Dotsbrin flinches as Darth Phantom reaches for her face, not touching her. Master Dotsbrin is soon in agony, remains in horrible silence. Echore, suddenly, knows that ability.
Darth Phantom: Where are they?
Master Dotsbrin: I'm not....saying anything to.....the likes of you.
Darth Phantom: WHERE.....Are they?
Mind Probe by Legodecalsmaker961
Master Dotsbrin soon can't take the pressure from Darth Phantom anymore; she Begins to scream in horror. The site of seeing Master Dotsbrin in agony made Echore's stomach turn. Suddenly, Master Dotsbrin passes out. Darth Phantom slowly lowered his arm and tighten his fist. Then, in a fit of rage, he force pushes a battle droid and crushes it with The Force.
Darth Phantom, Darth Dreda and the droids left the room with the unconscious Master Dotsbrin and The Clones, alone. When they left, Jay and Echore, quietly, opened the lit to the vent and crawled out to Master Dotsbrin and her troops. Echore took care of The Clones and Jay took care of Master Dotsbrin. They all took the vent and crawled their way down. They are going to get to The Escape Pods and escape before Darth Phantom sees them. They rushed to The Escape Pods. As they run to the pods, Jay felt like Master Windu did when he killed Jango Fett. They soon made it and Jay readied The Pods and everyone got on board, but not Jay.

Echore: Jay, what are you doing? Come on.
Jay: No, I'm staying here and I'm going to face them.
Echore: Are you crazy?! Have you seen what he did to Master Dotsbrin?! He will do something for worse to you!!
Jay: I made him for what he is.....Now, I must pay for what I did to him.
Clone Commander: Sir, you must be insane!!! If you face the mechanical monster, he will kill you.
Jay: That is a risk I going to have to take.
Just then, Darth Phantom & Darth Dredra appeared and readied their weapons. Without Jay or The Darths knowing, Echore throw a tracking device on the back of Jay's Neck. Jay readied his lightsaber and prepared for battle.
Darth Phantom: Lyon.....I have been waiting for this moment; now, you die!
Both Phantom and Dredra charged towards Jay. Jay held his ground, not show fear to his enemies. Echore rushed out to help, but Jay pushed her back with The Force. Jay closes the lid on The Escape Pods and launched them. The Pods flow out quickly, leaving Jay alone to face Phantom and Dredra. Jay managed to hold his own, but he was quickly taken down by Darth Phantom and Darth Dredra, who take him aboard a Separatist battle ship and to be taken to his headquarters on Corellia to be tortured to death. Echore and the Survivors were soon picked up by The Republic Fleet. When she exit the pod, she saw Master Windu, Jar Wolffee, The Matthias Brothers, Bullseye, Britt Winnwale, Eva Knight, Tayamal Culwal, Alex Lyon, Allec Newkean, Wyat E., Dok Val, Jay's Parents & Darth Gor. Echore explained everything and told what happened to Jay. Windu was not pleased and quickly mobilized his men. Jar and rest rushed to their get ready, except Darth Gor. He, too, was not pleased with Echore.
Darth Gor: Well, this is a fine mess you got him in.
Echore: I thought if defeating him would bring peace.
Darth Gor: If you think that way, Echore; how many more Jedi would have die in order to get peace? If Jay dies by Phantom, his blood will be on your hands.

Echore knew Darth Gor is right. Now, creating the mess she made, it's now her responsibility to fix this before Jay will surely die by Darth Phantom. Windu's Fleet set a course to Corellia and find Darth Phantom's Headquarters.
Jay and Echore set off to find Darth Phantom. Darth Phantom attacks and captures Jay to be tortured.

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© 2017 - 2024 Legodecalsmaker961
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